Short Stories and Facts
The birth and life of Lord Krishna as an Avtar is shrouded in mysteries. Very few people know true facts in this regard.
Here is a collection of few interesting stories and facts.
Sri Krishna was the 8th child of his mother Devki. The earlier 7 child of Devki were done to death by his maternal uncle Kansa, the King of Mathura. He had been the first child, the later 7 children would not have met the fate of death.
Why did he choose to be the 8th child ?
It was according to a divine plan.
It is said that, "you may be able to pay back any debt, but the debt you own your mother you can never to repay. However this is not applicable to Avtars. The Avtar repay the debt of their mother by granting them moksha ( liberation from birth and death ). While returning from Sri Lanka, Bhagwan Rama thought that, being an Avtar it was his Dharma to repay debts of his three mothers, whom he considered to be his own, by granting them moksha. By sending him to exile for 14 years, mother kaikeyi had failed to observed her Dharma. This however could not change his mind. Lord Rama was Mariyada Puroshottam so he thought of a plan to fulfill his Dharma. On his return from Sri Lanka, he went straight to meet Kaikeyi and sought her blessing. She tried to apologise for her mistake, but Bhagwan Rama said "forget about it, you did well. This exile enabled me to eradicate many dangerous demons" Kaikeyi knew that mother of an Avtar is entitled to moksha, but her past bad actions were standing in her way. She therefore thought of a plan and asked for a boom from Sri Rama. Sri Rama said, "you have a boom from my father and had misused it". Kaikeyi said, this time i will do it for a good purpose. Rama said, if so i will grant you a boom, as he already knew about it and had come prepared for it. Then Kaikeyi said, "when you come next time as Avtar, i should give birth to you" Rama said, let it be so but you would not bring me up. This will be done by mother Kaushalya. In the next yuga Kaikeyi was born as Devki and Kaushalya as Yashoda. kaushalya had been weeping for 14 years while Rama was in exile so Devki, too was made to weep for 14 years during which time her 7 children were done to death by his maternal uncle, Kansa. By doing so she had to undergo the consequences of her past Karmas ( action ). Krishna was thus the 8th child of Devki. God never pardons bad Karmas.
Kansa, the King of Mathura, knew that he was destined to meet his ends at the hands of Krishna. So he tried many ways to get him killed, but failed . He therefore thought of a plan to kill him by treachery. Krishna was seven years old at that time. He thought that he himself could easily kill a child of seven years. So, he sent an emissary, Ankur, who was a confident man of both side, to bring Krishna to meet him in Mathura, with a promise that he would not harm him and would only shower his blessing on him. This being done Kansa tried to kill Krishna by hard pressing his chest, but Lord Krishna a child of only seven years at that time kill the devil maternal uncle Kansa, by merely choking his neck. Thereafter Lord Krishna stayed at Mathura and never went back to Vrindavan. As a consequences of which he did not meet either Radha or gopis/ gopika after the age of seven. His prank and Rass Leela's was thus limited only up to the age of 7 years.
While to Vrindavan upto the age of 7 years he used to be known as the butter theif ( makhanchoro ).
This however was not the fact . His mother, Yashoda used to say , "Krishna there is no dearth of butter in our house, then why do you steal and eat butter in the house of others". His reply to this used to be that, "I never stole or ate butter in house of others". And this eeally was true. He only used to smear butter around his lips out of fun and to reveal his divinity. He used to say that "all day along i am supervising the grazing cows at Madhuban and return to Vrindavan by late evening" So how could he be accused of stealing butter in Vrindavan during the day when he used to be physically away at M adhuban. By this mischievous act he wanted to reveal his divinity. By this act of his he demonstrated his omnipresence - that being an Avtar he could be here there and everywhere. King Jarasin was a friend of Kansa. He wanted to kill Krishna and revenge the death of his friend Kansa. So, he attracked Mathura a number of times, but his attacked was repulsed by Sweet Lord Krishna Realizing that the people of Mathura were suffering because of his presence in Mathura he decided to shift to Dwarkaji and stayed there forever.
Stories of Radha's Devotion and Bhakti towards the divine Sweet Lord Krishna.
Krishna used to praise the devotion of Radha - his child mate who was 15 years older than him. This evoked jealousy in the minds of his queen. Once on a visit to Mathura, the queens expressed their desire to meet Radha. So, Krishna sent them to Radha's place with an escort. The queens wanted to test the devotion of Radha. The offered her a tumbler of boiling hot milk and asked her to drink it just at once. Radha prayed Lord Krishna and drank the milk in one gulp. The queens were greatly superised. On returning to Mathura they were shocked to see Krishna cooling his feet in a bucket of water and having in a sore mouth. The queens wanted to knows the cause of this ailment. To this, he told them tha Radha could not have gulped the boiling hot milk - so he drank the milk. The queens were extremely ashamed of themselves and asked for forgiveness.
Lord Krishna and his flute
Once in Dwarka, Krishna played on his flute for a while and then brole the flute and threw it away. His associates with at this. They wanted to know the reason for this fact. Krishna said that he used to play on the flute whenever Radha used to think of him and to acknowledge her he used to play flute .The sound of the flute used to reach her to assure her that Lord Krishna was aware of her thoughts and feeling. At the time of her death she meditate on Krishna in her mind. So he played on the flute for the last time and threw it away because it was for Radha and Radha alone.
Krishna Avtaar
Krishna lived up to the age of 120 years. He remained young all through his life and did not show any signs of old age. This was possible because he was always calm and free of anger or anixety at any point of time. At the time of battle of kurukshetra he was 84 years old and act as chariote'er of Arjuna. During Treta Yuga he was Lord Rama who had killed bali. However, baali was not satisfied with the reason on account of which he had killed him. So during that period of the age of Lord Rama had promised him that he will allow baali to kill him in the next Yuga ( The Dwapar Yuga ). So in the next Yuga i.e. The Dwapar Yuga Bali became Bheel ( Tribal ) who shot an arrow at the feet of Sri Krishna , thinking it to be an eye of a dear. On realizing his mistake Bheel lamented but Krishna told him that it was as per his promise to him in the earlier Treta Yuga, when he was Bali. This is who Lord Krishna left his body and breathed his last.